This legal notice concerns everyone who visits our online store (hereinafter referred to as users), so we recommend that you read it carefully.
1. The legal notice refers to the entire content of the online store This online store is owned by the company GO4GOAL d.o.o..
2. The user of our online store agree to follow the terms and conditions herein as well as legal provisions on copyright, property and other intellectual rights, when he visits and uses our online store.
Text, images, sound files, graphics, animations, videos and their derivatives in this online store are subject to copyright and other intellectual property rights. They may not be copied for use or distribution, nor may they be modified, broadcasted, reproduced, recreated, licensed, sold, transmitted or re-published on other sites without the prior written permission of GO4GOAL d.o.o..
This online store may also contain images for which we have obtained the right to use, but may be protected by the copyright of third parties.
Users can reproduce parts of the content on their website if they indicate our online store as a source and add the appropriate web link.
3. All users of our online store use the published content at their own risk. With the exception of cases where liability for damage under the law can not be limited or excluded, GO4GOAL d.o.o. and any other legal or natural person who took part in the creation of this website, is not liable for any damages which, for any reason whatsoever, may arise from the use of this site, whether indirect, direct or incidental.
4. GO4GOAL d.o.o. is not liable, in any case, towards the user for direct or indirect damages that may occur based on using or not being able to use this website. Products, services and all information on the online store are available as they are shown and are only informative. GO4GOAL d.o.o. reserves the right to change, adjust, replace or delete any content or to limit the access or to stop to develop and show this website, even without prior notice.
GO4GOAL d.o.o. is not liable for any loss, error or damage of your data or you computer that may be caused by using the content downloaded from this website, nor for any problems in connection with using or due to using this website and the connected websites.
5. Our website may include links to other websites. These websites operate independently from our website, which is why we are not responsible for the content of these websites. By providing links to other websites, GO4GOAL d.o.o. is not liable for the content and the correct operation of other websites. Other websites may have their own legal notices and/or privacy rules. We recommend that you read them when you visit those websites.
6. The content of this website is informative. GO4GOAL d.o.o. does not ensure that the information published on this website will always be complete and up-to-date. Websites may also contain typos or other errors, also, there may be unauthorised additions, deletions and changes, done by the third parties.
7. It is forbidden to show or use the brand or logo of the company GO4GOAL d.o.o in any form, without a prior written consent of the company GO4GOAL d.o.o..
8. We reserve the right to change these rules and conditions at any time and without the prior notice. We will change the date at the bottom of these rules and conditions after every update.
Official name of the company: GO4GOAL, razvoj, posredništvo in trgovina, d.o.o.
Abbreviated name: GO4GOAL d.o.o.
Company address: Ulica Štefana Kovača 61A, 9224 Turnišče, Slovenia
Tax number SI: 12333247
Registration number: 8253315000
Transaction account: IBAN SI56 2900 0005 2750 203 (UniCredit Bank Slovenia d.d.)
Phone number: +386 (0)31 334 017
Last update: 20. 4. 2019